
List of courses taught and some extra materials.

During my PhD I was teaching assistant at the University of Rennes 1, especially in the engineering school (ESIR).


  • ASE (Advanced Software Engineering) for Master 2, Software Engineering path
  • GEN (Software Engineering) for Bachelor 2, Computer Science path
  • BMO (Object-Oriented Modeling) for Bachelor 3, Computer Science path
  • DD (Distributed Database) for Master 1, Software Engineering work-linked path
  • WE (Web Engineering) for Master 1, Software Engineering work-linked path
  • IDM (Model-Driven Engineering) for Master 2, Software Engineering work-linked path

Note : In the ASE Course, we focus on domain modeling and implementation of DSLs


  • ASE (Advanced Software Engineering) for Master 2, Software Engineering path
  • VV (Software verification and validation) for Master 2, Software Engineering work-linked path
  • VV (Software verification and validation) for Master 1, Software Engineering path
  • OMD (Development methods and tools) for Master 1, Security, Smart cities and IoT path

Note : In the ASE Course, we focus on domain modeling and implementation of DSLs


  • ASE (Advanced Software Engineering) for Master 2, Software Engineering path
  • DLC (Devops and continuous delivery) for Master 2, Software Engineering path
  • VV (Software verification and validation) for Master 2, Software Engineering work-linked path
  • VV (Software verification and validation) for Master 1, Software Engineering path

Note : In the ASE Course, we focus on domain modeling and implementation of DSLs


Despite the sanitary situation and the need to teach remotely, I had the opportunity to give lectures in the SRIO course and manage practical sessions of the courses I was involved in.

  • DLC (Devops and continuous delivery) for Master 2, Software Engineering path
  • VV (Software verification and validation) for Master 1, Software Engineering path
  • SRIO (IoT and Network Security) for Master 1, Security, Smart cities and IoT path

Note : In the SRIO Course, I was in charge of the Android security section